Hypnosis for sports performance has been practised for many years and professionals who have benefited from it include Tiger Woods, who has used (and continues to use) hypnosis to help him improve his golfing performance.
Why might a sports person have hypnotherapy to improve their performance?
It's often the case that being successful in a particular area of sport requires mental ability as well as physical ability. This may seem a strange thought at first, but it actually makes sense. For example, it used to be a common view that nobody could run a mile in under four minutes. Then along came Roger Bannister, who broke through that barrier and also admits to having had mental training in preparation for his feat. Within a year of Bannister breaking that record many other athletes had ran a mile in under four minutes. It wasn't because athletes had suddenly become fitter and more physically able, but because they had a strengthened mental ability and belief having seen what is possible if one puts their mind to it.
Hypnotherapy is also useful for people overcoming a sports injury and getting back into their game. There can sometime be a mental block which hinders performance, but hypnosis is able to help one overcome that and get back to their best using a number of relaxation and visualisation techniques.
So how can hypnotherapy help improve your sports performance?
Hypnotherapy can help access internal resources that everybody has and help get you into the so-called zone (I'm sure we've all heard that term 'being in the zone'). It can help you to relax, rid yourself of any anxieties, and improve your confidence. In addition, hypnotherapy can help you keep composure and banish distractions and any fears you may have.
Visualisation and mental imagery is a big part of the process and you would be asked to visualise being in a winning scenario. As an example of this I will use my own experience of being a keen rounders player. Since childhood I have always visualised hitting the ball far across the field so that nobody is able to get me out of the game. As a child I never understood how visualisation could help or even what I was doing with my mind; it's just something that I naturally did. But to this day I visualise exactly where I am going to hit the ball and how far it will go. As a result it is extremely difficult for a fielding team to get me out during a game of rounders (not that I mean to blow my own trumpet here).
It goes to show how powerful hypnosis and visualisation can be. If your mind is capable of imagining a scenario then surely you are capable of making that imagined scenario a reality? My challenge to you is to give it a go and see how you get on.