Friday, 25 April 2014

Putting Out the Cigarettes for Good

"A cigarette is the only consumer product which, when consumed as desired, kills half of its regular customers".

That is a startling fact there from the World Health Organisation, but it is true. Smoking is something that used to be considered quite glamorous many years ago, but as time goes by and laws that restrict where people can smoke come into force, more and more people are trying to kick their habit.

The fact that more people are trying to quit smoking means that there has been a big rise in the amount of people who are using hypnotherapy to help them become a non smoker. As a hypnotherapist myself, the main enquiries I receive are from people who do not want to smoke any more. Some therapists even claim that it is the 'bread and butter' of their work and so therefore specialise in that area.

So, why do people smoke? This is a question that a friend once posed to me. He could not understand why people would smoke when they are fully aware of the health risks and potential consequences of lighting up. What he failed to see though was that smoking is mostly a habit or sadly an addiction. For many individuals it is a case of peer pressure in their teenage years. When a group of teenagers are together and 'egging' each other on to start smoking it can be difficult to say no, especially when you want to fit in with people at that age. I am personally guilty of giving in to peer pressure as a teenager and smoking to fit in. However, I am now a non smoker. Another reason that people may start smoking is because they feel stressed and think that if they were to smoke a cigarette they would feel relieved of that stress. Clients who want to stop smoking have come to me with many reasons as to why they started smoking in the first place and therefore I would be here for a considerable amount of time if I was to go through them all. But whatever the reason why people start smoking, one thing that is a common problem across the board is that it becomes a habit or an addiction. And that is where hypnotherapy can come in...

When people contact me to make an enquiry about smoking cessation therapy I offer them two options. The first option is to have about 5 weekly sessions which involve gradually cutting down the cigarette intake over that period. The second option, which is a bit more hardcore, involves having a one off 2 hour session that results (hopefully) in the person leaving as a non smoker. Whichever option the client goes for there is a set list of things that I will want to find out:

How many cigarettes the client smokes each day - this is also important because in my experience somebody who smokes 40 cigarettes each day requires deeper treatment than somebody who only smokes 10 cigarettes each day.

Whether the person has tried to give up smoking before - it's good to find out the methods that have been used by the person to give up in the past and to ascertain what degree of success there has been.

If they have used hypnotherapy to try to give up before - if the client has seen a hypnotherapist before to quit smoking then I will not see them myself. If hypnotherapy didn't work before then what's to say it won't work again.

What makes them want to quit now -  this is an essential question because I will only see people who say that they are wanting to stop smoking because it is what they want to do. If someone was to say that their husband or wife wanted them to stop smoking then I would question this and probably not end up seeing that person for therapy.

Once those important questions have been asked and it is decided that therapy can go ahead, I make sure that the process of hypnotherapy not only involves the hypnosis itself but also a great deal of discussion which utilises my counselling skills and provides the client with a great deal of factual information about the risks of smoking and the benefits of becoming a non-smoker. For the risks of smoking part of the session I may discuss the following:

The many conditions that are caused or made worse by smoking, which inlude: many forms of cancer, diabetes, premature ageing, infertility, emphysema, and ulcers.

I would go through the chemicals that are in cigarettes, such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, tar, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and how they can affect the human body.

The death rate of people who smoke and how smoking is one of the biggest killers.

That part of the session can be quite emotional for some people so to balance it out I also go into the benefits of being a non-smoker, which includes the obvious financial benefits as well as the health benefits too. It is that part of the session that tends to inspire people and give them a bit more drive to succeed in reaching their goal.
The hypnosis itself will incorporate all of the information that the client has provided me with. I make up the majority of the hypnotherapy scripts as I go along and all of the hypnotherapy that I do is tailored to exactly meet the needs of the individual client. Some tools that I may use could be regression, inner child work, or visualisation, but whatever I do it will be structured specifically for the individual.

So there you have the basics of what smoking cessation therapy may entail. One final thing that I shall mention is that people making enquiries often want to know how successful smoking cessation therapy is. This is a question that I cannot answer in terms of giving a success rate, but what I can and do say is that smoking cessation therapy is very valuable and powerful, and that as with all hypnotherapy it will work if you want it to.

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